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home ill

April 12th, 2005 at 12:23 am

I stayed home today. Lounged around a lot and slept until I felt better. The trees here are doing their pollen thing and I've been dragging for a couple of weeks. This morning, I just could not get moving and start the week off.

I am in a major declutter mode. Saturday I donated a large box of picture frames to a thrift store. Ironically most of them were gleaned from Goodwill or St. Vinnie de Paul, so its only fitting they should return to a similar place.

This afternoon, I came across a box of old journals. Not wanting to just dump them, I've looked through and reviewed some of the events of my past. Not really material for a great american novel or even a mediocre biography, so they are going through the shredder. Since recycling office paper is a hassle where we live, I'm taking them into the Humane Society for puppy bedding. I laugh every time I think about it. But its going to a good cause. Currently I've got two bags and have only gone through two years. Those puppies will be in bedding for quite some time....

Continuing on the de-clutter theme, I've been going through things for the past several weeks, focusing on what I really need, taking a mental inventory of what I already have. My goal is to see that I already have what I really need so that when I am out shopping or running errands, the temptation to purchase extras will be lessened. I'm really getting tired of managing the clutter. It takes a lot of time and energy and I want to get on with the business of living, not shuffling boxes around.

I think this is being brought on by an upcoming family vacation in May. I want to see just how light I can make my luggage while still being comfortable at my destination and while I'm vacationing. Its less to keep track of too.

Spending today: went on-line for feline meds. They were pricey, but considerably less than at the vet's office. I'm quite optimistic that tomorrow will be a no spend day. I cooked a huge pan of lasagne and will have leftovers for lunch for the week!! I'll try to brew some tea before going to work. So much healthier than coffee, not to mention way less expensive.

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