Home > spending


July 3rd, 2005 at 05:26 pm

Today is Sunday. the paper came and I have organized my errands around the items that are on sale. Dont really need too much, but the things I do need are all over town. One item per store it seems. Thankfully we live n a smallish town. It will be good to get out of the house.

I looked at my calendar and the last time I filled my tank was 6/4. I drive from home to work and back. Since we live downtown, I can walk to most places when its not so hot out. That means I'm spending about $20 a month on gas!!!! WOW!!

Friday took the cat into the vet. $159 for the check up and a load of supplements. But he is doing well and I am confident he will continue to do so. I paid in cash!! rather than put it on the card. But this means I wont be able to make an extra payment on the mbna. Not totally terrible, but I really wanted to get ahead with it. On the 15th, I plan to make a huge payment. This will be larger than the amount spent during the course of the month. That is a major change. The tide is turning!!

Yesterday was a no spend day. We worked on the house. I painted door frames and what a difference it makes. The whole room is coming together and finally looks like it. I am so excited. Today will be prepping the tile for grouting, i.e. scraping out excess mortar from between the tiles. Also, getting the last pieces of skirting tile up and DH has some caulking to do in the adjoining bathroom. DH forgot to get the grout and the store is closed today and tomorrow for the holiday. This will have to wait until next weekend.

When we get it done 1) it will be the first room in the whole house to be completely done and 2) we plan to barracade ourselves in from time to time to get away from the rest of the construction. Sort of like being in a do we get the room service to deliver?

The other two rooms will go much more quickly (cross fingers here) The deadline is August 22nd.

Havent had caffeine for several days. It contributes to my sinus headaches. I've missed it; its been on my mind like a long lost friend, but overall, I have to say that I'm doind okay with out it.

On another health note, I'm still losing wieght. People I havent seen in a while are commenting on it. That's a good feeling. I've just been working on the house, drinking A LOT of water and parking as far away from my office as possible. One of the things I am looking for today is clothing (yes still) because my pants are starting to bag and my denims shorts from last summer are not working at all.

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